Cat Litter Choices

Summary: Cat litter choices are quite abundant today. Although the rule of thumb is that if its not broke, leave it alone. However trying different litter isn’t always a nasty thing. When running the experiment of various litters, be vigilant, you’ll have got to clean it out and return to “old reliable” pretty quickly. within the end, let your cat make the selection .

I know from first hand knowledge the daunting task of selecting a cat litter box and therefore the use of cat litter. The task of a litter box: open or closed, big or small, automatic or manual, to not mention the amount of boxes needed. For my household, having four cats: we’ve two cement mixing boxes on our enclosed porch. there’s also one open rectangular litter box up the dining room, and a personal box up a cage. The cement boxes are employed by Zippy and Wolverine. The open box is employed by all, but mainly it’s for our senior (16 years old) Biskers, and therefore the private box is for Snoopy.

The choice of litter to place into each box may be a challenge. Clay, clumping, or natural with pine, newspaper, wheat or corn scratch. of these choices have strengths and weaknesses. For my household I want: No tracking through the house, easy cleaning, little dust, cat use choice, but also monetarily feasible also .

I have tried and used all of the above suggested cat litters. When experimenting, I used the one box located within the dining room. keep to my list of what I wanted the litter to be, I wanted to form sure the litter box was employed by Biskers and Snoopy mainly. Because Biskers is our senior cat, she is susceptible to more accidents and wanted to form sure the dining room box is to her liking. Also Snoopy may be a concern because she has numerous allergies (26 to be precise) that Joe and that i need to confirm the litter doesn’t affect her.

After months of testing, the subsequent litter choices are utilized in the subsequent boxes:

For the cement litter boxes on the enclosed porch we use Stall Dry. Stall dry is employed mainly for horse stalls. it’s a powdery fine litter, which suggests it tracks and kicks up some dust when pouring. Although this is often two strikes against my list of expectations, the Stall dry handles the smell of ammonia very, very well. It also clumps within the cement boxes so it easy to wash out and Zippy and Wolverine use the boxes. the value is about $15.00-$25.00 per 40lb bag.

For the litter box located within the private cage (5ftx7ft) for Snoopy, also because the box located within the dining room, mainly employed by Biskers, i exploit either clumping or newspaper litter. Clumping litter falls short on the tracking and mud pouring areas, however, it’s easy to wash , and Snoopy doesn’t react thereto . Also monetarily, I can get clumping litter at any store including Family Dollar and Dollar General for fewer than $10.00 per 20lb box. I can purchase multiple boxes throughout the month and have some boxes for emergencies. The newspaper litter i exploit are in pellets. This limits tracking, limits dust, Snoopy doesn’t react thereto , Biskers enjoys pawing it and therefore the litter is straightforward to ascertain where to wash . The downside to the present litter involves it being harder for her to bury the feces, and therefore the litter will smell after at some point of not cleaning it. I can only buy this litter online, or at pet stores. the value can range from $15-$25 for a 30lb bag.

I don’t use only one sort of litter. I even have been experimenting for months with different litters and keeping mental notes on cost, who uses what, what reactions Snoopy may have, tracking and smell. This was the results of the experiments. Also cost wise, I attempt to get two bags of stall day and newspaper pellets once I drive by the pet store monthly . I also attempt to get three boxes of clumping litter once a month. As a result, I even have enough litter so once I wash out all the litter boxes every fourth to sixth month, I even have plenty to refill with and still have some forgot just in case i do not attend the shop and pick any up or emergencies that ought to arise.

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