Why Declawing Your Cat may be a Bad Idea

Owners of cats will often consider having their pet declawed when scratching becomes a drag . It’s true that cats can cause considerable damage to furniture or door frames by using these as scratching posts. a favourite scratching spot are often completely ripped up and shredded by a cat exercising his or her claws. Declawing is usually done only on the front paws because the rear paws rarely present a drag .

The front claws of cats are retractable, and are always growing, a bit like our fingernails. so as to get rid of the outer sheath of the claw to show the new, sharper claw, the cat must scratch. Wild cats satisfy their scratching need on trees or logs, but domestic cats will use whatever is convenient and at hand. Besides scratching furniture, cats also will scratch defensively, or in some cases, aggressively. people that own cats, and who even have medical conditions, worry that a cat scratch could cause problems.

Declawing may be a serious surgery which will be performed on your cat under complete anesthesia. Declawing isn’t an equivalent as trimming the cat’s nails. so as to declaw your cat, it’s necessary for the last joint of the cat’s toes to be removed – the nail bed grows right out of the bone so so as for the declawing to achieve success , the bone itself must be removed. Some vets use laser surgery to try to to the procedure, but an equivalent result will occur.

After surgery, the paws must be bandaged. Because this is often painful surgery, your veterinarian will usually prescribe pain relievers and sometimes antibiotics to affect incipient infections. The time which will be needed for complete healing are often up to many weeks, although some cats are going to be healed within 3 or 4 days.

As with most elective surgeries on pets, there’s an excellent deal of dialogue about whether declawing is cruel and unnecessary, except in certain medical situations (tumors, chronic infections). Studies are done which exhibit contradictory results. However, several problems seem to arise after a cat has been declawed.

Because the cat’s primary means of defense, its claws, are gone, the cat could also be more susceptible to biting. Cat bites can easily become infected, and are considered to be more dangerous during this respect than dog bites. Many cat owners report that their cats have more of a bent to urinate or defecate inappropriately after being declawed. it’s been shown that with the removal of the front claws, cats may object to the texture of the litter within the box. The cat can never be allowed outside again, once it’s been declawed, the cat must be kept within the house in the least times. Without claws, not only will the cat be unable to defend itself, it’ll even be unable to climb a tree to flee an attack by other animals.

Opposing these negative outcomes, there’s also the very fact that persistent scratching from furniture or aggressive scratching of individuals or other pets can cause the cat being surrendered to a shelter. it’s been found that approximately one quarter of the cats within the us are declawed, which most owners are satisfied with the result of the surgery but there are ways to unravel the scratching problem without declawing.

Those cat owners who object to declawing can work round the problem to at least one extent or another. Kittens start getting the urge to scratch once they are about 2 months old. this is often the right opportunity to coach the kitten to use a scratching post. One that features a rough texture will appeal to the scratching instinct especially. Posts covered with sisal, or maybe a neighborhood of log are going to be attractive to the kitten. Even adult cats are often trained to use a post if you’re willing to spend the time to figure with the animal. Vinyl caps that fit over the front claws can keep the cat from damaging furniture or harming others. These caps are glued onto the claws and need to get replaced about once a month. Some owners have found that trimming the cat’s nails themselves can help to scale back the necessity for scratching. However, your cat might not be cooperative during this procedure, and this is often also something that ought to be started while the cat remains a kitten.

Tendonectomy may be a surgical alternative to declawing, and should actually be the worst choice of all. During this surgery, the tendons that control the flexing of the claws are severed. Owners must then trim the claws regularly to stop them growing into the toe pads. this is often not a recommended procedure for our beloved cats.

Declawing isn’t a procedure that any cat owner should take lightly, and in most cases, it’s best to avoid it. There are other options to the present painful procedure and if you’re taking the time to coach your cat, you’ll enjoy one another for several years to return .

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